How clean and pure is your salt?
Because the ocean is now pretty polluted with plastic and a cocktail of chemicals from industry and agriculture, sea salt carries with it a range of chemicals and pollutants known to be dangerous to our health. Mercury, lead, organophosphates and more were found in common commercial salt brands as far back as the 1970’s. The new kid on the block is microplastics and along with other pollutants, they’re being found in sea, lake and even rock salts. Buy natural pollution free salt now. Microplastic particles originate from the vast sea of plastic pollution on land in rivers and floating around in...
Lower Your Carbon Footprint
We are proud of the fact that we strive to be one of the lowest producers of CO2 emissions in the industry. We proudly display our unique carbon footprint logo on our products. Our collection methods, packing, transport and shipping to the UK result in approximately one sixth of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by most other salt producers based in Europe.
Salt Harvesting from Lake Deborah
Before we arrived: The lake has evolved over the last five million years by westerly winds carrying dissolved salt minerals in sea spray 500 km inland and depositing them in old river valleys. Free from modern pollutants, these preserved sea salt deposits at Lake Deborah are created naturally by the Wind, the Rain and the Sun. The creation of lake salt in its purest form is reliant on the seasonal cycles of Mother Nature. In winter, rain dissolves part of the lake’s crust and draws brine to the surface from deep aquifers. As the summer sun evaporates the brine, a new layer...
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